
SWEPT AWAY: Translucence, Transparence and Trancendence, Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, New Jersey  2014

THE CIRCLE GAME Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ  2014

SHIFT: Five Decades of Contemporary California Painting, Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey, CA 2014

artMRKT San Francisco, K. Imperial Fine Art, San Francisco, CA 2014

Patterns of Infinity, Winfield Gallery, Carmel, CA, 2014

Outside/In, K. Imperial Fine Art, San Francisco, CA 2014

BETWEEN GESTURE AND GEOMETRY Fresno Art Museum, Fresno, CA 2011

GENSTAR San Francisco, CA 2012

MINDFUL INVERSIONS Santa Cruz Museum of Art, Santa Cruz, CA 2009

BETWEEN GESTURE AND GEOMETRY Gebert Gallery, Venice, CA 2011


SYNAPSE – SYNAPSES Monterey Peninsula College Gallery, Monterey, CA 2009

SYMMETRY OF ASYMMETRY Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey, CA 2005

AT&T CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Los Angeles, California 2007